What I read today Jan 29
The Upper East Side Gets a Rap Tribute on SNL Thanks to Leslie Jones, NY Mag
Period-Tracking Apps Are Monetizing Women’s Extremely Personal Data, Bloomberg
New York passes Child Victims Act, allowing child sex abuse survivors to sue their abusers, CNN
I Tried on 'Genderless' Clothes and Was Extremely Disappointed, Broadly
A Priceless Archive of American Architecture Publishing, City Lab
The ‘Marie Kondo Effect’ Comes at a Weird Time for Thrift Stores, City Lab
A Bohemian’s Guide to Greenwich Village, New York, a Century Ago, Messy Nessy Chic
These Macabre Guillotine Earrings Were All the Rage During France’s “Reign of Terror”, Cult of Weird
New York’s Secret Caribbean Kingdom (and its Queen), Messy nessy Chic