What I read today Nov 7
Abrams doesn't concede in Georgia, predicts runoff in governor's race, NBC
Night of Firsts: Diverse Candidates Make History in Midterm Elections, NY Times
Kentucky Clerk Who Refused Gay Marriage Licenses Loses Election, NY Times
She drank kratom tea while pregnant. Then her newborn went into withdrawal, CNN
This Midwife Is Fighting to Make Vaginal Breech Births a Thing Again, Healthline
Trump Forces Out Jeff Sessions and Installs Top Aide as Acting Attorney General, NY Times
Brian Kemp’s Lead in Georgia Needs an Asterisk, The Atlantic
The Husband Stitch Isn’t Just a Horrifying Childbirth Myth, Healthline
Cleveland doulas fight infant mortality in their neighborhoods, one birth at a time: Saving the Smallest, Plain Dealer
The macho sperm myth, aeon