What I read today Jan 19
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Breaks Out Into Civil War Over Appalling MLK Day Editorial, Splinter
- Trump’s Plan to End ‘Chain Migration’ Is Neither Populist Nor Nationalist, NY Mag
- The Curious History of ‘Chain Migration’, WSJ
- What “chain migration” really means — and why Donald Trump hates it so much, Vox
- End Chain Migration, Numbers USA
- Why is chain migration so controversial?, The Economist
- Fox and Breitbart are helping Trump mainstream the term “chain migration,” a misleading nativist buzzword, Media Matters
- Explaining 'Chain Migration', NPR
- What is chain migration and why does Trump want it ended?, Fox News
- Trump’s “chain migration” obsession: The Nazis thought of it first, Salon
- It’s Time To End Chain Migration, White House
- The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Immigration on the United States, Center for Immigration Studies
- Exploring Our New Lows, “High Maintenance” Reaches New Heights, Village Voice