What I read today - Feb 8
- Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct, Huffington Post
- A visual chronicle of the shotgun shack, a truly American architectural icon, Timeline
- Seattle Just Divested Billions From Wells Fargo Over Dakota Access Pipeline, Yes Magazine
- Out of options, Vice
- Is this really how fascism takes hold in the US?, Al Jazeera
- Syria hanged 13,000 in Saydnaya prison: Amnesty, Al Jazeera
- Yakla residents speak of US raid that killed civilians, Al Jazeera
- Republicans Vote To Silence Sen. Elizabeth Warren In Confirmation Debate, NPR
- This Dictionary Keeps Subtweeting Trump And Here’s The Full Story, Buzzfeed
- The Mystery of the World's Least American Cactus, Atlas Obscura
- How the Anti-Vaxxers Are Winning, NY Times
- Nine Senate Democrats Say Gorsuch Deserves a Vote, National Review
I certainly hope dems don't end up like reps throwing temperantrums when they don't get their way - Let us Now Praise Homemakers, National Review
- Important Lessons in the Outrageous Response to Betsy DeVos, National Review
I don't think the author here really understands the situation. The person at the head of the Dept of Edu should be knowledgeable about education - DeVos did not display that knowledge in her hearing. I also don't think the author is examining what happened to Detroit education when they implemented charter schools with little accountability. - How Steven Heller Redefined the Design Industry, Magenta