what I read today - Feb 27
- Prince Charles Is Behind a Plan to Use Nutella to Help Sterilize a Lot of Squirrels, Atlas Obscura
- Six Stories of Stunning Passports From Countries That No Longer Exist, Atlas Obscura
- Are We Knitting Too Many Tiny Sweaters for Animals?, Atlas Obscura
- When High-Class Ladies Wore Masks That Made It Impossible to Speak, Atlas Obscura
- “We Are So Hated”: What It’s Like to Be a Ted Cruz Fan (and NeverTrumper) at CPAC, New Republic
- Today’s immigrants assimilate faster than the Europeans who came before them, Timeline
- The Internment Artist, The Paris Review
- The High Cost of Cheap Labor, Modern Farmer
- I'm an Arab actor who's been asked to audition for the role of terrorist more than 30 times. If La La Land cleans up at the Oscars, I'm done, The Independent