What I read today - Feb 17
- 40% of Wikipedia is under threat from deletionists, Boing Boing
- Why Does This One Couch From West Elm Suck So Much?, The Awl
- How Kate Middleton’s Wedding Gown Demonstrates Wikipedia’s Woman Problem, Slate
- Florence Nightingale: Of Myths and Maths, The New Inquiry
- Why are we still talking about the “naughty nurse”?, The New Inquiry
- U.S. Animal Abuse Records Deleted—What We Stand to Lose, National Geographic
- In 77 Chaotic Minutes, Trump Defends ‘Fine-Tuned Machine’, NY Times
- It Turns Out We Really Did Elect Donald Trump President of the United States, National Review
- Letters from Women Pleading for Abortion, Sent in 1917, Mirror Emails Sent Today, Broadly