What I read today - Sep 13
- Finding an ATM could get harder as thousands of small businesses avoid making upgrades, Mic
Charles Schwab <3 - Modern Teens Willing to Eat Healthy If It Will Piss Their Parents Off, NY Mag
I totally GET this - The Largest Prison Strike in American History Is Happening Right Now, City Lab
- Donald Trump is describing an America that doesn't exist, Mic
- The Pagan Wild Men of Europe, Messy Nessy Chic
In Poland.... "The symbolic ancestors, dziady, wear costumes made of woven straw and masks of sheep skin. They can’t reveal their real identity or talk, and only murmur, whistle and hoot. They usually carry small baskets, into which they get small offerings such as food, or are greeted with a sip of vodka. They perform ritual dances and pull small pranks by each house they stop by." - Asphalt Archaeology, bklynr