What I read today - May 24
- A Flower-Farming Renaissance: America’s Slow Flower Movement, Modern Farmer
- So You Want to Eat a Tree, Atlas Obscura
- Boston's Sidewalks Are Covered In Secret Poems, Atlas Obscura
- Hanson Reveals the Surprising Story Behind 'MMMBop', Broadly
- Tree Law is a Gnarly, Twisted Branch of the Legal System, Atlas Obscura
- How Trees Help Solve Murders, Atlas Obscura
- How Love Works, The New Republic
- You Can Now Reserve Whole Sections Of Dolores Park Grass For Yourself, For A Price, sfist
- Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac, Brooklyn Botanical Garden
- Why Some Couples Have So Much More Sex Than Others, NY Mag
- Gentrification’s Latest Victims: New York’s Feral Cats, New York Times
Tracy once talked me into taking the TNR course. She insisted she was going to start working with bodega's in the neighborhood to spade and neuter their bodega cats. Never happened. - A New York State of Design: How NYC Became the Design Capital of the World, Print Mag
- How Bushwick and Ridgewood, Once Entwined, Became Distinct Neighborhoods, Curbed
- After 20,000 years, the world's oldest people face a crisis of culture, CNN
- What nobody told me about small farming: I can’t make a living, Salon
Well, duh. But it still makes me sad.