storytelling on 1 square inch, Civilla
What Does TikTok’s “Corecore” Have to Do With Dada?, hyperallergic
This is corecore (we’re not kidding), Nobells
Corky Lee and the Work of Seeing, N+1
Ok, I didn’t read this whole thing, but want to save just incase
The Enduring, Invisible Power of Blond, NYTimes
”Bonilla-Silva argues that white people have an in-group language to talk about racial categories, just as all groups do. We may use “citizen” or “taxpayer” or “American” to talk about dominant racial groups, which, in the American case, means white.”
Arthur sees himself as white because he is an American
Welcome to the Shoppy Shop Why does every store suddenly look the same?, Grub Street
Interesting… I wonder if there’s a parallel to interiors how everything looks local but isn’t really
Are Empty Downtowns Here to Stay?, Architect Magazine
Environmentalists say massive sewage system expansions threaten Big Darby watershed, Columbus Dispatch
A Detailed Documentary Traces the Process of Making Artistic Manhole Covers in Japan, Colossal
My Favorite Things: How Almost Every Object Became Branded, PRINT
Michigan is Banning Inmates From Reading Totally Normal Books, Vice
Against House Porn, Azure
America, the Bland, NYT
Mayor Stahler presents 2022 Recap to Council, PEak of Ohio
Bunch of hubbub around here eyeroll
Goddard College: The History of a Self-Sufficient, Anti-Fascist Institution, Teen Vogue
I hadn’t even heard of Goddard until a friend from the garden’s early days shared this article, having attended the school. This gave me some perspective on starting the garden and how I feel like it is so so foundational to my being.Also this quote is a gem, “‘The thing about a radical learner-centered pedagogy is that there's no room for rigid ideologies, from the left or the right,’ says Lucinda Garthwaite. ‘So, when progressive pedagogy becomes a required ‘social justice’ pedagogy, I think there's trouble.’”
ALSO ALSO “‘A unique thing happens when you fully commit to an idea and you’re surrounded by others who make that same commitment,’ notes Hale. ‘There are tight bonds formed that you don’t see in the rest of the world, because you’re committing to yourself and your craft, and you’re committing to better lives for everyone, not to personal accomplishment.’”
Making New Art with No Research
Research is the number one deterrent when it comes to making art, because it’s the fastest way to see if what you want to make “has been done before” (that’s in air-quotes because we all know deep down that NOTHING has been done the same way that we’re doing it). Imagine the art that would flow out of you without any sort of “but what will THEY think of it” hang-ups. That’s really what we all want to see, right? We want to see the most surprising, most vulnerable, most specific-to-your-mind-right-now type shit. The more you care about that one person that kinda did something sorta like it one time, the less you’re gonna make anything. You can always research after the fact, if you’re really hung up on it… but at least you will have made something! Making things feels amazing.
David Brandon Geeting (aka DBG)
Why so many country clubs are undertaking massive capital-improvement projects, Golf Digest
Fran Lebowitz on life without the internet: ‘If I’m cancelled, don’t tell me!’, The Guardian
Can you equate Lebowitz to Patti Smith?
Law School Accrediting Panel Votes to Make LSAT Optional, WSJ
Libraries Can Unite a Lonely, Divided Nation, Bloomberg City Lab
Could this analogy be made for a public media company ? Select quotes:
Libraries are so much more than storehouses for books. They are crucial pieces of social infrastructure. When we talk about infrastructure, we typically mean the built structures and utilities — like roads, bridges, subways and sewer systems — that underpin our communities.
reknitting the human connections that are being lost to remote work.
“built to serve as a kind of citizenship factory,”
The Day the Dinosaurs Died, The New Yorker
Quite long, but I ended breathless
Marketers are the hypemen of business
Music writer Mickey Hess expands the term as follows: "a hype man is a figure who plays a central but supporting role within a group, making his own interventions, generally aimed at hyping up the crowd while also drawing attention to the words of the MC"
Email Newsletter, Top of Ohio Patriots
Too many places are STERILE and TORCHED — let’s make them COOL and FUNKY, Blackbird Spyplane
Am I vibey and cool because I have mismatched plates at home?
I saw a job posting from Netflix looking for a Design Org Manager and got curious…
The Three Key Phases Of Change Management Processes, Personio
ORG DESIGN, Stratechi